

Softonic review

Discount Calc: Calculate Discounts with Ease

Discount Calc is a free Chrome add-on developed by shecky522. It falls under the category of browsers and specifically in the subcategory of add-ons and tools. This program provides a simple and convenient way to calculate discounts based on a given percentage.

With Discount Calc, you can easily determine the total amount after applying a discount. Whether you have a coupon or want to calculate how much you'll save during a sale, this add-on makes it a breeze. Instead of manually crunching numbers, Discount Calc does the work for you, saving you time and effort.

The interface is user-friendly, allowing you to input the original price and the discount percentage. The program then instantly calculates the discounted price, giving you an accurate total. This makes it especially handy for shopping online or comparing prices at different stores.

Overall, Discount Calc is a useful tool for anyone looking to quickly calculate discounts. It simplifies the process and provides accurate results, helping you make informed purchasing decisions.

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